partner level donors
We understand that fostering and/or adopting a child can be both rewarding and challenging, and that financial assistance and community support can make all the difference in a family's journey.
We strive to ease the financial burden and provide resources to families as they open their hearts and homes to children in need.
Every donation, no matter the amount, is appreciated and goes towards supporting our mission.
community partners
church partners
mission level partners
The Donation Partners below have generously contributed more than $5000 in lifetime donations to our mission. We are incredibly grateful for the donations we receive, which have allowed us to make a significant impact in the lives of many families and children in York County.
The Baldino Family
The Block Family
The Feemster Family
The Gaulden Family
The Getter Family
The Higgins Family
The Holeman Family
The Holt Family
The Lanier Family
The Morrison Family
The Smith Family
The Sandler Family
The LaRoche Family
The Luton Family
The McIntyre Family
The Ng Family
The Schwede Family
The Sund Family
The VonFange Family
The Watson Family
Please Consider Donating
We are currently seeking donations from individuals, businesses, and churches who share our vision of creating a brighter future for children in our community through fostering and adoption.